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Calgary News-Telegram, November 19, 1912 |
Calgary News-Telegram, November 19, 1912
Mustaches Come Under the Ban of Calgary's Maidens
Agitation Looking to Their Banishment the World Over, Is Finding General Support
There is going to be some trouble before the style of wearing mustaches will come into favor again. Slowly but surely the man with a fine showing of hair on his upper lip has here and there put behind him any criticism or sarcasm that may be coming from the girls and faced the world with a wealth of whiskers. But the revolt of the girls is at its height...Some Peaches Here.
Now, following the British fashion, there are some fine mustaches right here in Calgary, some of the finest ever seen. It would give us immense pleasure to describe one or two, but we refrain. But whether they are looked upon as becoming by the sterner sex itself it is certain that the girls are dead against them—unless they are married and then it is no use kicking, anyway. To find out just what is ithe local opinion a canvas of the city hall was made to secure opinions among the many dainty young ladies there, and here is what they came across with:"No, I don't like them. Of course, they suit some men, and they look a lot nicer than without a mustache, but still I think they are dirty. I wouldn't marry a man with a mustache, not if he looked ever so nice."
This was from a very nice girl, too. She limits her horizon for marriage with that declaration, but it is her firmly expressed opinion, and she is nice enough to stand a good chance with the rest of the boys who dislike hair on the upper lip just as much as she does. With an English accent, another said:
"I can't see what a man wants to wear a mustache for. It is always wanting to be waxed, or washed, and it gets in his tea, and its [sic] dirty all the time. There. A man looks far better, all round, when he hasn't a mustache, and whether he has a nice looking face or not, he certainly has a chance of letting you see all its good qualities—if it has any,"" she concluded with the usual womanly inconsistency.
Then came the girl with a bright eye, clear forehead and a trim ankle. She also said that the mustache was a nuisance and a man had to pull it back to drink, and sometimes it was dirty. (They all, it might be mentioned, look upon a mustache as dirty). Some men's mustaches improved, and she had not so much objection to them then, but personally she preferred the boy with his face adorned only with eyelashes and eyebrows. And then she sighed.
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