Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Bob Edwards foe died 100 years ago

Calgary Daily Herald, December 12, 1912
One hundred years ago today—on December 11, 1912—former Calgary newspaper publisher Daniel McGillicuddy died in Toronto. McGillicuddy had founded the Calgary Daily News in 1907 and published it until 1910. The paper later morphed into the Calgary News-Telegram and continued as one of the city's three dailies—along with the Herald and the Albertan (which became the Sun in 1980). Finally, a few days after the armistice of November 11, 1918 that ended the First World War, the News-Telegram folded and the Albertan took over its plant.

McGillicuddy started his tenure with an anonymous attack on Robert Chambers (Bob) Edwards, publisher of the Calgary Eye Opener. The Dictionary of Canadian Biography's entry on Edwards summarizes the incident:

Another of the Eye Opener’s opponents was Clifford Sifton, whom Edwards accused of having relations with a married woman in 1905, at the time of negotiations for the formation of the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Three years later, Edwards heard a rumour that Sifton was backing the establishment of a Liberal newspaper in Calgary to counteract the influence of the Eye Opener. A short time after, Daniel McGillicuddy launched the Calgary Daily News and immediately prior to the election of 1908 he published a stinging personal attack on Edwards, calling him a “miserable wretch of a depraved existence,” a libeller, character thief, coward, liar, drunkard, drug addict, and degenerate. Edwards sued for criminal libel and won the case, but McGillicuddy was fined only $100.
      Edwards never forgave those involved in the lawsuit. He ridiculed McGillicuddy’s lawyer, Edward Pease Davis, to such an extent that the man initiated a successful libel suit and Edwards was forced to publish an apology. Edwards also accused the judge, Nicholas Du Bois Dominic Beck, of political bias, describing him on one occasion as the “narrow, prejudiced, fanatical Beck.” As for McGillicuddy, Edwards was bitter even after the man was dead. When Edwards was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta 13 years after the suit, he would write, “Isn’t it remarkable, here we are in the legislature and McGillicuddy is in hell?”

The affair temporarily soured Edwards on living in Calgary, and he left in 1909, publishing his newspaper in central Canada and then in Winnipeg before returning to Calgary around 1911.

Calgary Daily Herald, December 12, 1912

Friday, 7 December 2012

Calgary Hebrew School centennial

"New Hebrew School Has 70 Students," Calgary News-Telegram 7 Dec. 1912: 21.
My alma mater, the Calgary Hebrew School, was established around 1920. In 1987, the school amalgamated with the Yiddish-language I.L. Peretz School to form today's Calgary Jewish Academy. But there were earlier attempts to create a Jewish school in Calgary, and one of them was featured in the Calgary News-Telegram 100 years ago today. Here is the article.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Somerset Maugham's non-visit to Calgary

A century ago, author and playwright W. Somerset Maugham was expected to visit Calgary, where it was presumed that he was researching for a play he was going to write about the phenomenon of the English remittance man in the Canadian west. He never arrived. Here is the fanciful account of a Calgary News-Telegram reporter about Maugham's non-visit—or why his visit, if it occurred, was not reported. It was first published December 5, 1912—100 years ago today:



But as Live, Progressive Metropolis It is Liable to Give Playwright Maugham Swift Jolt 


What has happened [to] William Somerset Maugham, British playwright and author, who landed at New York over a week ago and gave out that he was on his way to Calgary, Alta., to study frontier life, cowboys, remittance men and generally the primeval way of this cow town in the wild and wooly west?

Mr. Maugham has had plenty of time to reach here. In fact, he was due about four days ago, but persistent search on the part of The News-Telegram has failed to locate him.

It is surmised that Mr. Maugham did reach here for he was fully determined to come. It is also surmised that he took one long, lingering look at this place and then fled.

Any man who gives out that he is desirous of studying the bad man in baggy chaps and sombrero in his native haunt and decides that Calgary is that haunt, has a perfect right to take one look and then retreat.

According to the story telegraphed from New York Mr. Maugham was coming for the purpose of securing material for a play. Presumably he wanted material of the boisterous, gunplay type.

The impression of a man who reaches Calgary from the east with the idea that this is a frontier town and that hard riding, hard drinking and straight shooting desperadoes gallop madly about the village trails, must be odd.

Getting the Perspective

For the purpose of getting an idea of how it must feel to enter Calgary with the impression that this is the original jumping off place, a News-Telegram man wandered down through the local depot, switched his ideas and then walked back into the city.

First he was very surprised at the size of the station. Then it occurred to him that a large station was needed for the purpose of taking supplies from the trains for the settlers int eh surrounding district.

Reaching the front of the station he was astonished by the sight of the C. P. R. hotel* that is being built just west of there. From gazing on it he turned and saw the King George hotel,** then the Grain Exchange building, then the C. P. R. department of natural resources building, the various hotels along Ninth avenue and the number of automobiles passing along that thoroughfare.


Wires Get Crossed

Hastily The News-Telegram man rushed back into the station.

"I say, my deah fellow," he said to the constable on duty, "how soon can I catch the train for Calgary? This must be Winnipeg or Minneapolis or Chicago, or some such bally place. Really, now it cawn't be Calgary, for Calgary is a frontier town."

The policeman regarded the newspaper man in disgust.

"No this is not Calgary; this is London, England," he replied.

Feeling affronted at the impossibility of the suggestion, the newspaper man, playing with the greatest fidelity his part of deluded newcomer, made for the King George hotel. There he asked for some stationery. Sure enough on it was "Calgary, Alta."

With one despairing glance up and down the street, in the hope of seeing at least one wild man shooting up the town, the newspaper man rushed back to the station. So strongly had the part he was playing impressed upon him that he was only prevented from buying a ticket back to London, England, by lack of funds.

Anyway, the newspaper man came to the conclusion that he could not blame Mr. Maugham for fleeing after a short examination of Calgary.

* Palliser Hotel
* Later renamed the Carlton Hotel, now the site of the EnCana building across 9th Avenue from the Palliser.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Mustaches Come Under the Ban of Calgary's Maidens

Apropos of Movember (the annual month-long charity event when men grow mustaches to raise money for men's cancer), here is an item from 100 years ago today.

Calgary News-Telegram, November 19, 1912

Calgary News-Telegram, November 19, 1912

Mustaches Come Under the Ban of Calgary's Maidens 

Agitation Looking to Their Banishment the World Over, Is Finding General Support

There is going to be some trouble before the style of wearing mustaches will come into favor again. Slowly but surely the man with a fine showing of hair on his upper lip has here and there put behind him any criticism or sarcasm that may be coming from the girls and faced the world with a wealth of whiskers. But the revolt of the girls is at its height...

Some Peaches Here.

Now, following the British fashion, there are some fine mustaches right here in Calgary, some of the finest ever seen. It would give us immense pleasure to describe one or two, but we refrain. But whether they are looked upon as becoming by the sterner sex itself it is certain that the girls are dead against them—unless they are married and then it is no use kicking, anyway. To find out just what is ithe local opinion a canvas of the city hall was made to secure opinions among the many dainty young ladies there, and here is what they came across with:

"No, I don't like them. Of course, they suit some men, and they look a lot nicer than without a mustache, but still I think they are dirty. I wouldn't marry a man with a mustache, not if he looked ever so nice."

This was from a very nice girl, too. She limits her horizon for marriage with that declaration, but it is her firmly expressed opinion, and she is nice enough to stand a good chance with the rest of the boys who dislike hair on the upper lip just as much as she does. With an English accent, another said:

"I can't see what a man wants to wear a mustache for. It is always wanting to be waxed, or washed, and it gets in his tea, and its [sic] dirty all the time. There. A man looks far better, all round, when he hasn't a mustache, and whether he has a nice looking face or not, he certainly has a chance of letting you see all its good qualities—if it has any,"" she concluded with the usual womanly inconsistency.

Then came the girl with a bright eye, clear forehead and a trim ankle. She also said that the mustache was a nuisance and a man had to pull it back to drink, and sometimes it was dirty. (They all, it might be mentioned, look upon a mustache as dirty). Some men's mustaches improved, and she had not so much objection to them then, but personally she preferred the boy with his face adorned only with eyelashes and eyebrows. And then she sighed.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The Candidate's Soliloquy

In November 1912, Calgary was in the midst of a municipal election campaign. The Morning Albertan, the forerunner to the Calgary Sun, published the following poem on its front page a century ago today—November 13, 1912. The poet references the two leading mayoralty contenders, incumbent John W. Mitchell (who went down to defeat) and Harry Sinnott (the winner). He also refers to successful aldermanic candidates Stanley G. Freeze and Thomas Arthur Presswood Frost, defeated aldermanic candidate R.J. Frizzle, and defeated candidate for commissioner George M. Lang.
Morning Albertan, November 13, 1912, page 1
The Candidate’s Soliloquy

By Harry F. Burmester

To run or not to run—that is the question;
Whether ‘tis wiser for a man to suffer the heartless wallops of
a flock of voters, or,
Take passage on a sea of troubles and by smart sailing end them
To run for office and perchance to win! Aye, there’s the rub,
For in that running there are things that come
To quiet candidates with thoughts of home,
That make them weep and wail and gnash their pet bicuspids.

O, Tempora! O, Mores! O, a lot of things!
Kidd Fate, if I could only by some occult means
Dope out just what you have in store for me,
Perhaps I’d fling away ambition, cease to yearn
For things in nightly visions that I often see
Obeisance, honor, and the praise that comes
To men of office, I would shun, I reck,
If I but know I’d get it in the neck.
Frizzle, Frost and Freeze! Gad, what a fate
These names suggest. No luck can wait them at election date.
And I see painted on that culture screen of mine
A warning—something like an old Lang sign.
It augurs ill for me.
Mitchell, Sinnot [sic], and some others, too, may feel
The beat of public pulse when people vote.
Something whispers that they’ve got my goat.
Last night the gang assembled on the Heights to talk
Planks and platforms. I was there. I’m glad I didn’t speak,
For somehow, both my knees felt very weak.
This game of politics is a game of chance.
And fortune is so fickle. ‘Ere I start and give
The boys a chance of taking all I own save life,
Hold on a minute ‘till I ask my wife.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Olympic Plaza centennial—sort of

The former City Hall Market, built in 1912-13 as the temporary post office, became the City Hall Annex in 1953 and housed Engineering Department offices. It was eventually transformed into a Bank of Montreal branch, and its final use was as the headquarters of the Calgary Centre for Performing Arts while that facility was under construction. Olympic Plaza was completed on this site in 1987. J. Lewko, photographer. City of Calgary, Corporate Records, Archives Engineering and Environmental Services, Series IV, Box 1, file 1

One of Calgary's best-known landmarks is Olympic Plaza, the public square opposite City Hall that was developed in advance of the XV Olympic Winter Games in 1988. Few people, howver, would use the word "landmark" to describe the plaine, one-storey structure that stood on the corner from 1912 to 1985.

But it was a landmark to the shoppers and merchants who from 1919 to 1951 knew it as the City Hall Market.

Despite its longevity, the building was originally planned as a temporary structure. At the height of the pre-First World War Calgary construction boom in 1912, the Dominion government determined that the Calgary post office and federal building at the southeast corner of 8th Avenue and 1st Street SE was too small. The old sandstone post office, built in 1894, was demolished in 1913. Ottawa planned to replace it immediately with a substantial new edifice.

Meanwhile, a temporary replacement was designed for a site a block away, at the southwest corner of 7th Avenue and 2nd Street SE. One hundred years ago today—on October 25, 1912—a building permit was issued for that new, temporary structure.

By the end of 1913, however, the economy came to a halt and Calgary's boom went bust. Meanwhile, the "temporary" post office served until 1919, when the post office was moved to the Lancaster Building. It took until 1931 before the new post office, the Calgary Public Building—which now houses the foyer of the Jack Singer Concert Hall—was built.

The "temporary" post office building was sold to Theodore J. Klossoski and began operations in 1919 as City Hall Market, a retail complex with over 40 stalls, including bakers, confectioners, fishmongers, meat merchants, and grocers. Many of the vendors were Jewish, including Norman Gould, whose meat market operated there for over three decades.

In January 1953, The City of Calgary took over the City Hall Market building and turned it into City Hall Annex, which housed offices of the engineering department. Later, the building became a Bank of Montreal branch. In its final function, it housed the offices of the Calgary Centre for Performing Arts (now the Epcor Centre for the Performing Arts) while that complex was under construction.

In 1985, the former City Hall Market was demolished to make way for Olympic Plaza.

(Adapted from Harry Sanders, "City Hall Market Home to Many Jewish Vendors," Discovery: The Journal of the Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta 10:2 [2000]: 1-2.)

In February 1988, Calgary played host to the world during the XV Olympic Winter Games. A year earlier, the $5.7-million Olympic Plaza opened across the street from City Hall. Citizens were given the chance to buy bricks with personal inscriptions for $19.88 each. City of Calgary, Corporate Records, Archives OCO Photos Box 55-6 PP146#29

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Before Persons Day

Morning Albertan, Oct. 15, 1912, p. 9
Today is Persons Day, the anniversary of the 1929 decision by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (JCPC) that women are persons qualified to sit in the Senate of Canada. The decision resulted from a 1927 petition by five Alberta women—Henrietta Muir Edwards, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, Emily Murphy, and Irene Parlby—asking the federal government to refer the question to the Supreme Court of Canada. Persons Day marks the date when the JCPC reversed the Supreme Court's negative decision in 1928.

This afternoon, the Alberta Champions Society unveiled a plaque honouring Nellie McClung (as well as others recognizing Mary Cross Dover, Robert Chambers Edwards, Father Albert Lacombe, Ernest Manning, and Fred C. Mannix) in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency Hotel. And this evening, the Calgary Stampede honoured each member of the "Famous Five" (along with 95 other deserving Albertans of the past century) with its Western Legacy Award.

However, October 18 had already become a notable date in Calgary women's history before 1929. On October 18, 1912—a century ago—a group of women met at the Young Women's Christian Association (now the Old Y Centre at 223 - 12 Avenue SW) to form a Women's Business Club. Their immediate concerns were insufficient lavatory facilities for the city's estimated 8,000-10,000 wage-earning women and the absence of smoke-free cafeterias or restaurants.
Calgary Daily Herald, Oct. 21, 1912 p. 12

Monday, 15 October 2012

Jewish community celebrates former synagogue

Former congregants of the Shaarey Tzedec reunited for one final service. Many found their old assigned seats.
For the first time in a quarter of a century—and for the last time—the sounds of Hebrew prayers filled the sanctuary of the former Shaarey Tzedec Synagogue (103 – 17th Avenue SE) yesterday.

When it opened in 1959, Shaarey Tzedec was the largest and most modern Jewish congregation in the city. It was built adjacent to the old House of Israel Building (102 – 18th Avenue SE), the city’s original Jewish community centre. The Jewish community had acquired the property for both buildings in the late 1920s. Before 1959, the future synagogue site was used in the winters as a skating rink for Jewish children.

For many years, the Beth Israel Synagogue (literally, “House of Israel”) met in the community building. In the late 1950s, the Beth Israel relocated to a new site on Glenmore Trail and changed its affiliation from Judaism’s Orthodox movement to its Conservative stream.

The new Shaarey Tzedec, by contrast, remained in the city centre and remained Orthodox. However, the congregation distinguished itself as “Modern Orthodox” by allowing family seating and doing away with a mechitzah—a divider—between men’s and women’s sections.

In the mid-1980s, after nearly three decades as separate congregations, the Beth Israel and Shaarey Tzedec amalgamated as the Beth Tzedec Synagogue. The new congregation met in the old Shaarey Tzedec while the Beth Israel was largely demolished and replaced by the present structure. Later, the 17th Avenue synagogue and 18th Avenue community building were sold. The Shaarey Tzedec became a church, the Centre for Positive Living; the House of Israel was remodeled into the Lindsay Park Place condominiums. The former synagogue went on to serve as a church for almost as long as it had been a synagogue.

This year, the former Shaarey Tzedec building was sold and is now slated for redevelopment.

For weeks, I’ve been working with an ad hoc committee that included Ron Singer, a director of the Cliff Bungalow-Mission Community Association, and Zena Drabinsky, the secretary of the Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta, to organize a farewell event, for which the owners provided access and support.

From 3:00-6:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 14, the doors of the former Shaarey Tzedec were open to former congregants and other interested people, who included members of the Jewish community, residents of Cliff Bungalow-Mission, and those who were interested in the building—a beautiful 1959 example of Modern architecture designed by the local firm Abugov and Sunderland.

Some 250 people attended and listened to a series of speakers. Many of the former congregants sat in their old assigned seats, following the traditional Jewish custom for the high holidays.

Laura Pasacreta, a culture and heritage consultant with Donald Luxton & Associates Inc. gave an architectural tour of the building and then spoke to the assembled crowd in the prayer hall.

Aron Eichler, the longtime ritual director, shared his memories of the synagogue and the personalities involved.

Saundra Lipton gave a sneak preview of the upcoming program at the Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta’s AGM on October 29, which will feature memories of the Shaarey Tzedec.

Judy Parker talked about her 1959 wedding, the first held in the then-unfinished synagogue.

Lastly, the floor was open for people to share their own memories.

After a brief intermission, Rabbi Shaul Osadchey and Ritual Director Leonard Cohen of the Beth Tzedec Synagogue commenced the daily Mincha (afternoon) prayers at 6:00 p.m. Again, former congregants found their old seats, and some 60 or more participants joined Cohen and Eichler in traditional Hebrew prayer.

Rabbi Osadchey and Cohen spoke warmly about the former congregants’ obvious affection for their old synagogue, which had a second life as the Beth Tzedec for a short period in the 1980s.

Cohen concluded the service beautifully. “The late Israeli songstress Ofra Haza,” Cohen remarked, “sang ‘There are people with a heart of stone, and there are stones with a human heart.’

“What brought the love to this community, and the heart to this community, was all the people worshiping here.

“The final psalm that we sang tonight, ironically, was the song of dedication of the Temple [in Jerusalem, destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 CE].

“Nonetheless, it was appropriate,” Cohen added. “Just as we remember and commemorate the Temple, a building that hasn’t been around for many years, we hope to continue remembering and commemorating that which was most important and beloved to everyone here.”

Following services, the group filed into the foyer to enjoy a snack that included gefilte fish and pickled herring. They sang spontaneously and toasted the old building with Scotch and kosher wine. Many people lingered late into the evening, savouring the final moments that they could spend together in an old familiar place.
Participants enjoyed traditional fare and toasted the former synagogue.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Centennial anniversary of shocking murder-suicide in Calgary

John C. Davis shot his wife and the detective he had hired before killing himself, all on October 6, 1912. Davis' photograph appeared in Calgary, Sunny Alberta: The Industrial Prodigy of the Great West (Calgary: Jennings Publishing Company, 1911). He resembled the actor Matt Dillon.
Front page of the Calgary Daily Herald, October 7, 1912, covering the story. The building where the crime occurred still stands at 602 - 17th Avenue SW.
A century ago today, Calgarians were shocked by a double murder-suicide that dominated local headlines for days. The central figure was John C. Davis, an Alabaman who had moved to Calgary around 1906 and established a successful real estate business. The second figure was Minnie Black, a young waitress originally form Belfast. Minnie had been involved in a much-publicized police scandal in 1910, when she accused a police officer of sexual advances but declined to appear as a witness against him. The third was Mildred Dixon, a 25-year-old stenographer from Edinburgh who worked as a private detective at the Capital Detective Agency.

Davis met Black at the restaurant where she worked, and the two eloped in 1911. Before long, John became obsessively jealous and was convinced Minnie was cheating on him. Minnie left John after he became abusive and started locking her in the house, but he persuaded her to return. John then hired Mildred Dixon to shadow Minnie.

The detective moved into the boarding house where the Davises lived, but she quickly realized that John was abusive and that his suspicions were groundless. Disobeying her employers, Mildred told Minnie the whole story and persuaded her to leave John. For protection, Minnie moved into Mildred’s apartment in a building that still stands at 602 – 17th Avenue SW. The jealous husband found the two women and tried to speak to his wife. Hev even rented a room in the neighbouring building so he could spy on Minnie through the window. Fearing for their safety, the women went to the police, but Minnie refused to press charges.

Finally, John promised to leave Minnie alone forever and return to the United States, but he wanted to meet with her one more time. He arrived at Mildred’s apartment with a .38 calibre revolver. It is uncertain whether John was admitted to the room or forced his way in, but he was heard to shout, “For G-d’s sake Minnie, don’t leave me!” He shot and killed his wife, mortally wounded the detective, then committed suicide. Mildred died the following day.

In a bizarre postscript, it was revealed a month later that John Davis was actually Spencer Holder, a bigamist who had abandoned his wife and two children in Alabama. The Davises are buried side by side in unmarked graves in Calgary’s Union Cemetery. Mildred’s unmarked grave is in the next row to the west.

—Adapted from my book Calgary's Historic Union Cemetery (Calgary: Fifth House Ltd., 2002).

Friday, 5 October 2012

Precedent for Daniel J. Kirk's glass box on Stephen Avenue

Today, artist Daniel J. Kirk emerged from the glass cube on 8th Avenue and 2nd Street SW for the first time since Oct. 1. This was an isolation and art-making project. Kirk stayed in the cube in full view of the public and painted the glass from inside. He was sustained by water but no food.

Note the glass timing booth mounted high above the street at the northeast corner of 8th Avenue and 1st Street SE. It was placed there in December 1918. Glenbow Archives ND-8-275
Ninety-four years ago, another glass box was placed a block further east, where it remained for years. It was the Calgary Municipal Railway's glass timing booth, where street railway employees timed streetcars to keep track of the city's streetcar system. All but two lines in the entire network passed the busy corner of 8th Avenue and 1st Street SW, where the "glass booth" was mounted above the street. A clock outside the former Bank of Montreal (which housed A&B Sound in the 1990s) roughly occupies the same site now.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

First University of Calgary would have turned 100 today

University of Calgary Archives 85.025_01.30_2
The entire Faculty of Arts of the original University of Calgary poses in front of the Carnegie Library (now the Memorial Park Branch of the Calgary Public Library) on the first day of university's operation, October 4, 1912.

The provincial government chartered the institution as Calgary College, but to protect the University of Alberta, it withheld degree-conferring power. The proposed campus in what eventually became the neighbourhood of Strathcona Park was supposed to “make Oxford and Cambridge sit up and take notice.” But it was never built, and classes remained in the library until the college closed in 1915. Many of the male students enlisted in the First World War.

Faculty, from left to right in the front row, included: Dr. Frank H. McDougall; Mack Eastman; Dean Edward E. Braithwaite; Dr. F.C. Ward; and librarian Alexander Calhoun. One notable student, standing second from the left in the back row, is Eric L. Harvie, a lawyer who became one of Calgary’s greatest philanthropists. Some of the students pictured here later enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force and were killed in the First World War.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Window on history at Holt Renfrew

Feature on the new Calgary Prophetic Bible Institute in the Calgary Daily Herald, September 29, 1927.

Plaque in the Holt Renfrew display window
These newell posts in the display window are all that remains of the Calgary Prophetic Bible Institute.

I went to Holt Renfrew at 510—8th Avenue SW on Tuesday afternoon and paused at the display window along 8th Avenue. The window displays no merchandise. Its contents include photographs and text interpreting the history of the Calgary Prophetic Bible Institute, which opened on the site 85 years ago (October 2, 1927) and remained at 516 - 8 Avenue SW until it was demolished in 1968. William Aberhart, the lay preacher who headed the institute, went on to found the Alberta Social Credit Party and served as premier from 1935 until his death in 1943. Aberhart's protegé at the Prophetic Bible Institute, Ernest C. Manning, succeeded him as premier and remained in office for a quarter of a century. His son, Preston Manning, later became founding leader of the Reform Party of Canada.

Monday, 1 October 2012

On being Calgary's historian laureate

A little over three months ago, the Calgary Heritage Authority appointed me as the Calgary Heritage Authority 2012 Historian Laureate. The context is Calgary's status as one of two Cultural Capitals of Canada this year; the other is the Niagara region in Ontario.

Calgary has been enjoying a yearlong celebration that also marks a century since its phenomenal pre-First World War boom. The city had grown more than tenfold in a decade, and lasting institutions that include the Calgary Public Library and the Calgary Stampede had their origins that year.

Among other duties, I've been doing media appearances and tweeting daily (@harry_historian) about my activities and about events in the city exactly 100 years ago. I'm now going to start blogging about my experiences as a public historian and ambassador for the Calgary Heritage Authority. I'll also post my thoughts on the city's past and what it means for the city and its inhabitants today.

The coming week is full of centennials, including the opening of the first University of Calgary in early October 1912. Denied degree-conferring power by a provincial government protective of the University of Alberta, the new institution took a the humbler identity as Calgary College. (Since that name was taken, another institution of higher learning formed around the same time had to choose a different name, becoming Mount Royal College—today's Mount Royal University.)